use math/floatingpoint

gamma ( nΓ(n) )

This is the gamma function or at least an approximation to it. For positive integer n, this is simply (n-1)!.

It uses regular Javascript numbers to be able to support non-integer values, so after 200 it overflows and returns Infinity.

For a true factorial function, you can do this:

to ! do 1n swap times do i big 1+ * end end

loggamma ( nln(Γ(n)) )

Natural logarithm of the gamma function.

See Also: gamma

lambertW ( nW(n) )

Lambert W function.

erf ( xerf(x) )

The Gauss error function.

erfc ( xerfc(x) )

The complimentary error function, equal to 1-erf(x).

See Also: erf

besselJ ( n xJ_n(x) )

The Bessel function of the first kind.

minkowski? ( x?(x) )

The Minkowski question mark function.

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