use math/integer

gcd ( a bn )

Returns the greatest common divisor of a and b, that is, the largest number that is a factor of both.

lcm ( a bn )

Returns the least common multiple of a and b, that is, the smallest number that divides evenly by both a and b.

See Also: gcd

%** ( b e mx )

Integer power (b**e) modulo m. Handles error cases as follows:

log_ ( a bl )


root_ ( x nr )

Computes floored integer root n of x (e.g. n = 2 gives sqrt, n=3 gives cbrt). That is, computes largest integer r such that r**n <= x. n must be a positive integer.

Returns undefined if result could not be computed.

modinv ( a bi )

Integer modular inverse 1/a modulo b. Edge cases: if a is 0 or m <= 0, returns 0.

log2_ ( xy )

Integer log base 2.

sqrt_ ( xy )

Integer square root.

!% ( n mx )

Factorial of n modulo m. Returns undefined on overflow. NOTE: can be slow for n > 4096 especially if m only has large prime factors.

prime? ( np )

Returns true if n is prime. For n < 1.5 million, uses brute-force divisibilty testing; after that, uses the Miller-Rabin test, which, being probablilistic, may be incorrect, especially for n > 2^64.

nextprime ( nm )

Returns the smallest prime number greater than n.

prevprime ( nm )

Returns the largest prime number less than n, or undefined if there is no smaller prime.

ppow ( ne )

Returns the highest possible exponent if the number is a perfect power (>= 2), or 1 if not. E.g. if n is 8, returns 3 because 2^3 is 8, if n is 10 returns 1.

smallestfactor ( nf )

Returns smallest prime factor of n, or 0 if factorizing it takes too long. Can usually find the product of two 32-bit primes relatively quickly.

NOTE: factorization is most difficult when n is a product of two different large primes.

pfactors ( na )

Returns an array of all the prime factors of n, repeating factors as many times as necessary. E.g. if n is 4294967296 (2^32), returns a list containg 32 2’s. Returns an empty list if the number could not be factored.

See Also: primepoly

primepoly ( na )

Returns an array of pairs, where the first element of each pair os the prime factor of n and the second is its exponent. E.g. if n is 324 (2^2*3^4), returns [ [2, 2], [3, 4] ]. Returns an empty list if the number could not be factored.

See Also: pfactors

multiplicativeorder ( a mr )

Returns smallest positive integer r such that a**r = 1 (mod m). This is a special case of discretelog, where b == 1, but computed in a different way.


discretelog ( a b mr )

Computes r such that a**r = b (mod m). This problem is of similar computational difficulty as integer factorization. If b is 1, computes multiplicativeorder: r such that a**r = 1 (mod m). Returns undefined if it’s known there is no result, -1 if it failed to compute (took too long).

totient ( nx )

Euler’s totient function: counts amount of positive integers <= n that are relatively prime to n.

residue ( n pr )

Tonelli–Shanks algorithm for quadratic residue (square root of n modulo p). p must be prime.

nCk ( n kx )

The binomial coefficient, also known as n-choose-k or combinations.

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