dragoncoder047’s blog

random thoughts about nonrandom things

Articles tagged with javascript

One Hell of a Physics Engine

By dragoncoder047

I’ve been working on my upcoming platformer game, Debugger, way too much. And I haven’t really had the chance to add much of anything to the game itself. All I have been dealing with is trying to eliminate any source of lag in the game by any means …

So far ahead, yet so far behind

By dragoncoder047

I finally got around to testing the game I have been making, Debugger, using a game controller. For the most part, it went off without a hitch, but there were several problems I encountered – and none of them were fixable, because they were not bugs in my code, nor in …

Boy, Have I Been...

By dragoncoder047

Back in July, I had the following conversation with a friend over lunch:

Friend: What’s the most confusing computer science topic you’ve ever encountered? Explain it to me.

Me: Continuations. They’re a way for a program to manipulate its own call stack as if it were data …

Continuations and the thunk queue

By dragoncoder047

After I made the last post – where I decided that PICKLE would be done in continuation-passing style – I revisited one extremely simple toy programming language done in continuation-passing style I found online (here). I figured it would be a good example of how I could implement PICKLE. The only problem …

In Search of a Brain

By dragoncoder047

I am not an expert in machine learning by any means. I do not understand the mathematics behind a neural network, much less how to implement one. My preferred method of teaching computers what to do is by writing code, not training machine learning models. Yet, strangely, today I find …

Pickle Tokenizer

By dragoncoder047

I’m starting to work on my Pickle programming language, this time in Javascript. After only a few days’ work, I’m surprised I got so much working. Currently I have both the tokenizer and the inheritance system working. The syntax of Pickle is pretty much in place now, and …

Debugger, Almost

By dragoncoder047

Today I started work on the Phoo debugger. As-is, it is very simple – I already programmed in a “tick” function into Phoo that gets called every item, and so my debugger only needs to patch itself into this function.

However, the three buttons – “Into”, “Over”, and “Out” – caused me some …

I Still Have No Idea

By dragoncoder047

I was working yesterday on trying to root out the bug in Phoo’s online shell; but I never found it.

Currently Phoo works-ish; except that in the online shell, the error behavior is backwards:

  • Case A: When you give a bad input (that would crash), it prints no error …

Langton's Ant Music

By dragoncoder047

Over the weekend I joined the conwaylife.com forums because I am interested in cellular automata. I find watching the mechanisms mesmerizing, and building them exciting.

I also have an interest in music, and so a year or two ago I tried to generate music from cellular automata. I used …

Phoo is (mostly) finished

By dragoncoder047

…Gosh, I just realized that I haven’t posted anything in weeks. I really don’t want to fall prey to the obsession of posting everything online. I hope I’m not.

Anyway, I just finished up the first draft of the documentation of Phoo. The generator script is Python …

Why I Prefer Python

By dragoncoder047

In developing Phoo today I was unpleasantly presented with yet another reason why I prefer Python. It was when I was working on the new Importer API for loading external modules into Phoo that I accidentally did this:

class Importer { /* stub class */ }
class FetchImporter extends Importer {
    constructor(basePath, fetchOptions = {}) {
        /* no …

Change of Plans

By dragoncoder047

After several days trying to debug the horribly bug-ridden local-echo package for xterm.js, I have had enough. It’s Ioannis’ responsibility to debug his package. I am switching over to another Javascript terminal ptogram I found, jquery.terminal by Jakub T. Jankiewicz. It has built-in readline support, and well …

Terminal Troubles

By dragoncoder047

I have finally gotten to the point in Phoo’s development that I am ready to set up the web interface.

I chose xterm.js for the terminal interface because I intend for Phoo to be able to be run in Nodejs as well as in the browser, but I …