Patrick the purple dragon

dragoncoder047’s blog

random thoughts about nonrandom things

First Pull Request

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By dragoncoder047

Today I managed to submit my first ever Github pull request. In develpoing Phoo I made some changes to the meta-words from its predecessor Quackery, and they seemed backportable to Quackery. So I forked Quackery and submitted a pull request with those changes.

In the name of trying to bootstrap Phoo as much as possible, I had substituted the limited ]if[, ]iff[, and ]else[ with what Gordon later called a ‘relative GOTO’ in ]cjump[ which can be (ab)used to jump backwards. I like being able to do that at least with Phoo. Of course with the Quackery system you can have all sorts of ' if take fun (which is prevented easily by Phoo’s dynamic resolution - but ' if resolve take would work too), but a ]cjump[ also seemed useful in a sense to be able to look ahead with ]'[ and then jump back and allow it to be executed with false -1 ]cjump[ if it didn’t turn out to be what was expected.

Well, at the very least I got some syntax fixes to my name there. I have another couple of ideas, and I’ll add a pull request and/or another post here when I get around to them.